Monthly Archives: 1月 2014

Did you know that Coca Cola can? by Aaron

I hope that you had a nice, relaxing new year!
Today I would like to share the many unique ways to use Coca Cola!!
I haven’t personally tried all of these techniques but many people tell me that it works. Please try them out! Did you know that Coca Cola can:



1. Remove grease stains from clothing and fabric

2. Remove rust; methods include using fabric dipped in Coke, a sponge or even aluminum foil.
鉄のさびの除去; 方法は、衣類・スポンジ・アルミホイルをコーラに漬ける

3. Remove blood stains from clothing and fabric.

4. Clean car oil stains from a garage floor; let the stain soak, hose off.
車庫などのカーオイル痕の洗浄; コーラを染み込ませ、水で流す

5. Loosen a rusty bolt; pour on some Coke and wait for the magic to happen.
錆びたボルトをうまく抜く; コーラを注いで、魔法が起きるのを待つ

6. Kill slugs and snails; a small bowl of Coke will attract them, the acid will kill them.
ナメクジとカタツムリの殺虫; 小さな器に入れ自然と集まるの待ってから、コーラの酸で殺虫する

7. Help a lawn become lush and green

8. Prevent an asthma attack! Apparently, the caffeine in two 12oz cans can prevent the onset of an attack.

9. Defrost a frozen windshield. Apply liberally and wait (See if this works in winter)

10. Clean burnt pans; let the pan soak in the Coke, then rinse.
フライパンの焦げの清掃; コーラに漬けて、水で流す

11. Neutralize a jellyfish sting.

12. Clean car battery terminals by pouring a small amount of Coke over each one.
カーバッテリーの付け根の部分の清掃; 一個一個に少量のコーラをかける

13. Cure nausea; let a can of Coke go flat then take a teaspoon of Coke every hour.
吐き気の治療; 炭酸の抜けたコーラを、一時間おきに小さじ一杯ずつ飲む

14. Also, flat coke can help relieve an upset stomach (diarrhea)

15. Get rid of hiccups; gargle with a big mouthful of ice-cold Coke.
しゃっくりを止める; 氷で冷やしたキンキンのコーラをたくさん口に入れ、うがいする

16. Shake up a can and pour it over your car windshield to remove bugs and other crud.

17. Clean your car engine; Coke distributors have been using this technique for decades.
車のエンジンの清掃; コーラの販売業者は何十年もこの方法を使っている

18. Relieve congestion; boil a can of Coke and drink while hot to clear you up.
鼻づまりの軽減; 沸騰させたコーラを飲む

19. Make a sweet BBQ sauce. Mix a can of Coke with ketchup and brush over ribs or chicken.

20. Baste a ham roast with Coke as it cooks. The sugars will caramelize; the ham will be moist.
ローストハムのたれとして使う; 炙るときに一定時間ごとにかけ、糖分がキャラメル状になり、ハムもしっとりとなります

21. Make your hair curly; pour flat Coke onto long hair, leave for a few minutes then rinse.
髪の毛をカールさせる; 炭酸の抜けたコーラを髪にかけ、数分おいてから水で流す

22. Age documents and photos; for that antique look, apply Coke, pat with paper, leave to dry.
書類や写真を古く見せる; アンティークな見た目を再現するため、コーラをかけ、紙で軽くたたき、自然乾燥させる

23. Clean tile grout; pour onto kitchen floor, leave for a few minutes, wipe up.
タイルの汚れの掃除; キッチンフロアにかけて少し待ち、ふき取る

24. Mix a can of Coke with a packet of Italian seasoning; cook a tough steak in it.
コーラの缶にイタリアン調味料一匙混ぜる; その中で堅いステーキを調理する

25. Make better compost; Coke increases the acidity, adds sugars and feeds microorganisms.
良い堆肥を作る; コーラは土のサンドと糖度を増やし、微生物に餌を与える

26. Remove gum from hair; dip into a small bowl of Coke, leave a few minutes. Gum will wipe off.
髪の毛からガムを取る; 小さな器にコーラを入れ髪をつける。ガムは自然と剥がれる

27. Get silky skin; mix a spoonful of Coke with regular lotion and apply liberally.
絹のような肌を手に入れる; スプーン一杯のコーラと普通のローションを混ぜて大量に塗る

28. Remove stains from vitreous china.

29. Add Coke to your laundry to remove bad smells, especially fish.

30. Remove (or fade) dye from hair by pouring diet Coke over it.

31. Mop a floor with Coke to make it sticky. It prevents people from slipping and falling if you have a slippery floor.
床をベトベトさせるためコーラで掃除をする; ツルツルした床で滑ったり転んだりすることを防ぐ

32. Remove marker stains from carpet. Apply Coke, scrub, then clean with soapy water.
カーペットのマジック汚れを取る; コーラを塗って擦り、石鹸水で洗う

33. Clean a toilet; pour around bowl, leave for a while, flush clean.
トイレ掃除; 便器に注ぎ、少し置いたら洗い流す

34. Apply to skin for a deep sun tan.

35. Supposedly, drinking an 8oz can of Coke every day can prevent kidney stones. (not sure if it’s true)

36. Coke and aluminum foil will bring Chrome to a high shine.

37. Add it to vodka, rum or bourbon.


Here you go! Who would have known.
I hope that you get a chance to see the magic of Coca Cola.
By the way, I personally like Pepsi better to drink.
Take care and hope to see you soon!
