b わたしの英会話 - マンツーマン英会話スクール
Table of Contents  >  DAY ONE
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Simple Past Tense: WAS, WERE and DID

I love New York! Big Ideas, my ad agency, sponsored a photography show in Soho last Friday. My boss sent me to help out. I invited my friend Katie, but she was too busy with work. I met Katie for lunch today and she was curious about it.

day 1

Katie: How was the photography show?

Belle: It was fun!

Katie: Really? Where was it?

Belle: It was in Soho, in a small gallery.

Katie: Were there any famous people there?

Belle: Yes, Penelope Cruz was there!

Let’s Talk About It

Where did Belle go last Friday?

How was the event?

Who did she meet?

The Scoop

Simple Past Tense: WAS, WERE and DID

Belle was at a photography show last Friday.
Where were you last night?
Did you see the soccer game on TV yesterday?

Tools: Where Were You Last Weekend?
I was... I... It was...
at home. watched TV. relaxing.
at the park. rode my bike. energizing.
at a birthday party. danced all night. wild!

Complete the dialogue using was, were or did.

Katie: Penelope Cruz? Fantastic! _________ you meet her?

Belle: Yes. She told me she liked my shoes!

Katie: You’re kidding!

Belle: There _____________ all kinds of interesting people there.

Katie: Is that so? Who else ___________ you meet?

Belle: Annie Leibovitz ___________ there. You know, the famous portrait photographer.

Katie: She _________ ?

Belle: Yes! Can you believe it?

Your Turn

Ask your lesson partner about what she/he did recently. Where did he/she go? What did she/he do? How was it?

“Where were you last weekend?” “What did you do?”

Day 1 :
Simple Past Tense: WAS, WERE and DID

単純過去について(was, were, did)

Day 1は単純過去を紹介します。was, wereは、be動詞の過去形で現在形と対応すると、am / is の過去形はwas、そしてareの過去形がwereになります。



現在形                過去形 

現在形 ⇒ 過去形 

I am a student. 私は生徒です    
⇒ I was a student.

She is a student. 彼女生徒です   
⇒ She was a student.

We are students. 私たちは生徒です 
⇒ We were students.


例えば、”She is a student.” ならば、 “Is she a student?”になりますので、これを過去形にすれば、”Was she a student?”となります。また、否定文ならbe動詞の後ろにnotを入れますので、”She is not a student”になります。



You speak English well. 
⇒ Do(Did) you speak English well?

She speaks English well. 
⇒ Does(Did) she speak English well?


I eat Natto.     
⇒ I don’t(didn’t)eat Natto.

He lives in Tokyo. 
⇒ He doesn’t (didn’t) live in Tokyo.

PJ1のDay 18でも過去形を扱っていますので、見なおしてみましょう。