b わたしの英会話 - マンツーマン英会話スクール
Table of Contents  >  DAY FOURTEEN
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Reported Speech

Katie said she would meet me tonight for some window- shopping in Tribeca, but it rained. I’m disappointed that we called off our date, but at least I got this great shot of the streetlights in the rain. I’ll go to Brian’s place later.

day 14

Belle: Hello, Katie? It’s Belle.

Katie: Oh, hi Belle. I guess we can’t go window-shopping tonight, huh?

Belle: I suppose not. The weatherman said it was going to be clear and cool tonight!

Katie: I know! That’s too bad. Well, he said it would be nice this weekend, so maybe we can try again on Saturday.

Belle: I hope he’s right this time!

Let’s Talk About It

Why didn’t Belle meet Katie tonight?

What did the weather report say?

The Scoop

Reported Speech

noun/pronoun + said + verb

Katie said (that) she would meet Belle tonight.

did + noun/pronoun + verb?

Did the weatherman say (that) it would rain tonight?

Tools: Explaining What Someone Said
Speaking Directly Reporting
will would
is/are was/were
do did
have had
see saw

Complete the reported speech below.

Brian: Belle, what a surprise. I thought that you ________ (are) going shopping with Katie tonight?

Belle: Yes, but since it’s raining, we decided not to go. She said she _________ (want) to go on Saturday instead.

Brian: Okay. Would you like to watch a DVD tonight, then?

Your Turn

Your lesson partner will tell you about her/his plans for next weekend. Report back what she/he said.

Lesson partner:“I’m going to my salsa class on Saturday night.”

You:“You said you were going to your salsa class on Saturday night.”

Day 14 :
Reported Speech


Day14では、Reported Speech(間接話法)と時制の一致をまとめます。その前に、直接話法から。直接話法とは、話し手が登場人物の発言内容をそのまま引用する話し方で、カンマ(,)と引用符(””)を用います。日本語でカギカッコを使う表現と同じです。

(直接)He said, “I will meet her here tomorrow”.


(間接)He said that he would meet her there the next day.

1)”He said”の後のカンマをとった(直接→間接に)

2)”that”を入れました(ただしPJの例文のようにthatはDay4 Noun Clauses(の名詞節のthatで)省略してもOK)

3)”I” を “he”に変更~直接話法の”I” は、登場人物、つまり彼を指していますよね。

4)”will” を “would”に変更~この文は過去形で書かれているから過去形に合わせて変更しました。

5)”here” を “there”に変更~登場人物(彼)が直接話法で言っている”here”が横浜で伝達者が大阪ならthereになります。話し手も横浜にいるならば、”here”のままでOKです。

6)”tomorrow” を “the next day”に。例えば、登場人物(彼)の言っているtomorrowが10月1日で、話し手がその発言内容を言い直している時点が11月1日だとした場合、当然tomorrowとは言えませんね。こうした場合は、このように言い換えるのです。もっとも、もし今日が9月30日であれば、”tomorrow”のままでOK。


(直接)He said to me, “I will see you tomorrow”.
→(間接)He told me that he would see me the next day.
この例文では、直接話法で”said to me”と第三者(私)に対して言っていますが、間接的に伝えるには、”told me”とします。疑問的な文章だと、”asked if”です。


