b わたしの英会話 - マンツーマン英会話スクール
Table of Contents  >  DAY EIGHT
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Real Conditionals

I’m so excited about my trip to Europe next year! I booked my flight this afternoon. The travel agent was very patient and helpful. I better start saving my money now!

day 8

Belle: Can I stop off in Paris on my way to London?

Travel Agent: If you do that, it will be more expensive.

Belle: I see. If I buy individual tickets, say, from New York to Paris, then Paris to London, will it be even more expensive?

Travel Agent: Probably, but I’ll find the best price for you. I guarantee it!

Let’s Talk About It

What is Belle trying to do?

If she buys individual tickets, will it be more expensive?

The Scoop

Real Conditionals

if + pronoun + verb, pronoun + will + verb

if she buys a ticket early, she will save money.

if + pronoun + verb, pronoun + can + verb

if she saves money, she can buy a ticket

if + pronoun+ verb, will + pronoun + verb?

if she buys a ticket early, will she save money?

Tools: Resolving Problems
Problems Solutions
the flight is too expensive travel by bus
the bus is too slow take the train
the hotel is fully booked try a guest house
no ticket available try another date/ time

Complete the dialogue with problems and solutions.

Belle: If the flight is too expensive I’ll have to ________________.

Travel Agent: Hmm... A bus trip from Paris to London takes a long time. If the bus is too slow you can _________________ . If there is no train ticket available we can_____________________.

Your Turn

Work with your lesson partner to solve these travel problems:

miss the flight - run out of money - can’t find the hotel - get stuck in traffic

“If we miss the flight, we can talk to the ticket agent.”

Day 8 :
Real Conditionals



例1:If you buy a ticket early, you will save money.

If you buy a ticket early.が「条件をあらわす副詞節」であることはわかりますよね。ただ、ここで気になるのは、チケットを買うのは未来の出来事のはずなのに現在形が用いられているということです。では、次の例文はどうでしょう?

例2:When you know the exact dates, please give me an e-mail.

もちろん、When you know the exact days,が「時をあらわす副詞節」であることは分かりますね。ただ、ここでも気になるのは、正確な日取りを知るのは未来の出来事のはずなのに、現在形が用いられているということです。



