Monthly Archives: 5月 2010

I went to Showa Kinen Park! by Nicola

Hi B Members!!!

はい、b のみんな!


Did you have a good Golden Week?



The weather was so beautiful for this year – lovely and warm after our strange April weather – sakura followed by snow?! Crazy!!



On Wednesday May 5th, I went to Showa Kinen Park in Tachikawa for a BBQ with a group of young people from my Church and their friends!! Have you ever been there? It's so beautiful!!!










It was so much fun – I don't know how many people were there because I'm really bad at counting large groups – but maybe 60 or more people!!

とっても楽しかったわ。 私、大勢の人数を数えるのがとても苦手だから何人の人が来たのか私は分からなかったけど、60人以上はいたと思うわ!!


Because there were so many of us and we were all new, we played a few games to get to know one another – that was a lot of fun!!

みんな同じグループの仲間だけれども初めての人ばかりで 私たちはお互い仲良くなるためにいくつかのゲームで遊んだのよ。


We also ate so much yummy food – there was a lot of food for all the people and some of my friends worked very hard to cook for everyone – so kind!! Me? I relaxed!!

あと、沢山の美味しい料理を食べたわ。 沢山の美味しい料理があって、何人かの友達はみんなのために頑張って料理していて本当に優しい人たちだなって思ったわ!! 私は何をしていたかって?リラックスしてたわ!!






After the BBQ, we walked around the park and saw so many beautiful things – some amazing gardens and really interesting structures!!

バーベーキューの後は、公園を散歩して沢山の美しいものをみたわ。 とても素敵な庭園や興味深い建造物を見ることができたの!!
















It was a very hot day, but they looked like they would be a lot of fun, so my friends and I all clambered on together and jumped and jumped and….well, we got very thirsty!!










It was such a fun day and I definitely recommend going there this Summer – the park is near Tachikawa Station on the Chuo Line Rapid Service or Nish-tachikawa Station the JR Ome Line. And it's not so expensive to get in – just a few hundred yen!!

とっても楽しい日で私は今年の夏にその公園に行くことを本当にオススメするわ。その公園は中央線快速の立川駅からも近いし、JR青梅線の西立川からも近いよ。 あと入園料もそんなに高くはなかったわよ、何百円かだったわ!!






I look forward to hearing about your Golden Week and Summer experiences here at B!!

みんなのゴールデンウィークのことや今年の夏の予定などを b で聞けるのを楽しみにしているわ!


See you then 🙂


