Monthly Archives: 3月 2014

if I were in that wonderfully strange world of courageous pirates…by Jon

So I recently started reading One Piece (for study purposes, of course!) and I got to thinking; if I were in that wonderfully strange world of courageous pirates and magical fruits, what would I do? What would I want? Where would I go?

最近、漫画のOne Piece を読み始めました。(もちろん勉強のために!)そして、「もしも自分が、こんな勇敢な海賊たちがいて魔法のフルーツがある、素晴らしく奇妙な世界の中にいたら、どうするだろう?何が欲しいかな?どこへ行くだろう?」と考えるようになりました。

For starters, let’s look at the infamous devil’s fruits.
What a terrific yet terrifying phenomenon.
f we ate it, we would gain a unique and extraordinary power in exchange for losing our ability to swim.
At first thought, it seems like a great deal.
BUT! Upon further examination, one must comprehend that if we existed in this pirate world,
we would inevitably be living at sea!

Devil Fruit

If I could attain any ability from a devil’s fruit, I would want to have control of electricity.
I don’t really know what I could do with such a power yet, because I haven’t put any thought into that.
But, if I practiced enough, I’m sure I would be able to do some pretty shocking things

control of electricity

After ingesting my wonder fruit and putting in many rigorous hours of practice, I would need to find some crew members.
Now, if I wanted reliable crew members who weren’t afraid of a little danger and maybe a little crazy around the edges,
I would probably have to go to Shimokitazawa, Harajuku and Akihabara.


Special powers: Check!
Crew: Check!

Next up: Food!
If we didn’t want to starve to death at sea, we would have to pack lots of food such as pork, beef, chicken and chocolate.
And of course, if we didn’t want this food to rot, we would need a to buy a high quality refrigerator. No need to worry about outlets or what not, after all,
I’m the king of electricity.


Other than these three things,
I can’t think of anything else that I would need if I were to travel the high seas in hopes of becoming the Pirate King and acquiring the illustrious One Piece!
Let’s weigh anchor and set sail!
もし公海を旅することになって、あわよくば海賊王になって輝かしいOne Piece(秘宝)を手に入れることになっても、 この上記3つ以外に必要なものは思い浮かばないかな。

One Piece

◆If + 主語 + were ~ ,主語 + would + 動詞の原形 ~
ex.) If he were here right now, he would help us.

◆infamous【形】: 不名誉な、恥ずべき、忌まわしい、悪名の高い
