Monthly Archives: 5月 2014

My top 10 JAPAN! by Jacquelyn

Here are my top 10 places that I have visited in Japan so far. What is your top 10? Stop by and tell me about it.
こちらは、私がこれまで日本で訪れたことのある場所、トップ10です。あなたのトップ10は何ですか? 遊びにきて、教えてくださいね。

Number 10: Yakatabune(屋形船)
– Night cruising on a boat while drinking beer and eating okonomiyaki with friends was so exciting. It was an evening filled with positive energy.

Number 9: Ameyoko Market on New Year’s Eve(大晦日のアメ横)

– People, People, People everywhere!

Number 8: The top of Ikebukuro 60(池袋サンシャイン60の最上階)

– A bird’s eye view of a nearly endless city

Number 7: Riding the Shinkansen(新幹線に乗る)

– The most relaxing way to see the landscape of Japan

Number 6: Cherry blossom viewing in Chidorigafushi(千鳥ヶ淵で眺める桜)

– Stunningly beautiful, felt like I was walking around in a postcard

Number 5: Tsukiji Fish Market(築地市場)
– A hustling and bustling behind the scenes look at Japan’s fishing industry.

Number 4: Straw roof houses in Fukushima prefecture. (福島県の茅葺き屋根の家)

– A quaint little village of roof houses. A fun place to eat “negi-soba”


Number 3: Kamakura(鎌倉)
– A day of hiking in the woods, viewing temples, shopping, and relaxing at the local hot spring.

Number 2: Japan Alps(日本アルプス)
– A wonderful place to experience nature and try new things. We enjoyed a peaceful nature hike on the way to Kappabashi Bridge. The splendor of Kurobe Dam in the mountains is a sight to see. I also took a chance and ate bees for the first time in Matsumoto.


Number 1: Nijojo Castle in Kyoto(京都の二条城)
– Nijojo is my number one pick for places to visit in Japan because of its historical significance. It is very well preserved and you feel like you are back in the Edo period. The paintings on the walls are so magnificent and the history of the castle is very interesting as well.

Nijojo Castle
