Monthly Archives: 3月 2008

Jodie’s 2nd entry

hi! just want to let everyone know that I’ve enjoyed my first week here at
b, and it was a pleasure to meet the people i did^^
わたし、b わたしの英会話でのこの1週間、凄く楽しんでます!みなさんに会えて良かった~。
However, I will not be here for the next two weeks because I have to go
back to Canada to see my grandfather who has cancer.
He is still very genki at the moment and I’m looking forward to seeing him
and my mother said he is happy that I’m coming back to see him.
My grandfather loves alcohol so I’m bringing him back some Japanese shouchu
and ume shu.I hope he likes it (^_~)
But I’m not happy at all to be going back to Eastern Canada’s weather (>.<) My mother told me that they had a snow storm the other day where they had 40cm of snow! and they're expecting more next week! (T-T) I really hate snow so it will be nice to come back to Japan's beautiful spring weather! でも、カナダの東部は凄く寒いから、それがちょっと。。。 お母さんが言ってたけど、先日は吹雪で40cmも積もったんだって。 しかも来週はそれ以上らしいのよ。。。 わたし、雪大嫌い!!だから春を迎える日本に戻ってこれるのって素敵ね! Anyway! I think I can survive a few days back in Canada!! Lets hope so!(O_o) そんな感じで、カナダの寒さに負けないわよ!!!そう願ってね! When i return to Japan I look forward to meeting more people! Take care and hope to see you soon! 日本に戻ってきたらまた、会いましょう! 体調崩さないように、また近々ね! Jodie