Monthly Archives: 1月 2016

2016 “Resolutions” by Ciji Da Costa

Happy New Year Everyone!
ハッピーニューイヤー 皆さん!

Yet another year has gone by and for many people that means trying to end old habits and start new ones.
However, ending bad habits and starting good ones can often be very difficult. This year, instead of making strict New Year’s Resolutions I thought I’d make a more fun, less serious “Things to Try” list.
Here are just a few things I hope to try more frequently in 2016:

1) Find recipes, try them, and adjust them to my personal taste:レシピを見つけて、試してみて、自分好みの味付けに改良すること

Find recipes

There is a lot of pressure to eat healthy these days.
We constantly hear and read about what we should and shouldn’t eat.
This year, instead of focusing on new buzzwords and trendy health foods, I’m hoping to find interesting (and hopefully healthy) recipes that I can try cooking at home.
If I don’t have all the exact ingredients, that’s OK too! I’m simply hoping to have more fun and experiment more in the kitchen this year.
もしレシピ通りの材料を持ってなくてもそれはそれでOK! ただもっと楽しんで、キッチンにいることが多くなるといいな。

2) Clean out my closet (more often) and donate the items to charity:もっと頻繁にクローゼットの中を整理して、チャリティに寄付すること

clean out my closet

I already do this a couple of times a year, but probably not enough.
This year I want to reduce the size of my wardrobe even more.
I think donating the items is a good way to let go of stuff when you have too much.

3) Enjoy fine dining more often:もっと高級料理を楽しむこと


Although I want to try cooking and eating at home more often, I also want to treat myself to finer food when I do go out.
My sister, who is a chef, is really into “fine dining.”
She loves going out to expensive restaurants and enjoying not only the food, but the whole dining experience as well.
She always reads food magazines and blogs and often recommends places around Tokyo.
(After all, Tokyo is the city with the most Michelin stars in the world).
Most recently she recommended a restaurant in Meguro called BEARD which I hope to visit this year. I hear it has a very long waiting list though!



A word or phrase that is fashionable at a particular time or in a particular

Buzzwords are usually used in the media, advertising, and politics.
Buzzword は普通メデイアや、広告、政治の分野において使われる

◎Treat myself / oneself (to an expensive dinner):=豪華な食事[ディナー]を楽しむ

To do something which is not part of your usual routine in order to enjoy yourself as much as possible and feel good.
It is usually something costly. (i.e.: a trip to the spa, or buying an expensive new outfit)

◎Fine Dining: 高級料理、高級料理店

A style of eating that usually takes place in expensive restaurants, where especially good food is served to people, often in a formal way.

◎(Be) Really into~:(be ~)~にぞっこんである、本気で(人)に気がある、~に凝る

To really like something;
To be very interested in something. (i.e.: I am really into Japanese fashion designers. My sister is really into French food.)
